Friday, August 13, 2010

The Return of the Dreamspinner

Photography by Arayo

I like it when my fictional characters find new places in the world to see and be seen. So I am happy to report that you can now buy an anthology which contains my story Dreamspinner at a site called Anthology Builder.

Anthology Builder is a unique concept: previously published stories are available to collect in an anthology of your own making. You choose the stories, the title, and the design. You'll find some classics by Edgar Allen Poe, Charlotte Perkins, L. Frank Baum, and Jane Austen, as well as living writers like yours truly.

I have put together a collection called Seeing Around Corners: 15 Fantastic Fictions which contains my story as well as 14 others by dynamic and original writers.

Here's the intro to the anthology:

"A woman who invents a language that sees around corners. The heavy metal return of Crazy Horse. A class full of goblins. Breasts with a mind of their own.

Take a deep breath. Your journey around the corner is about to begin."

You can take the journey here.

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